Spin-off event Study Day on Johann Daniel Major

Warburg Haus

Warburg Haus

There was much interest after our first Workshop in Halle on the figure of the early museologist, Kiel University professor of medicine, Johann Daniel Major (1634-1693). A number of attendees decided that shared interests warranted another day of discussion, which was jointly planned for March 27, 2019 in Hamburg at the original Warburg Library, kindly hosted by Markus Friedrich (Hamburg). A lively day of discussion shows how much more remains to be explored around this pivotal and understudied figure. The program follows!


Johann Daniel Major – Study Day

27th March 2019, Warburg Haus, Heilwigstraße 116, 20249 Hamburg

Convenors: Markus Friedrich, Dominik Hünniger, Vera Keller, Martin Mulsow and Bernhard Schirg

Audience at the Warburg Haus

Mattias Ekman presenting, photo courtesy of Lisbet Tarp

We are delighted that the Warburg Haus provides the venue for a first meeting of international scholars dedicated to the German collector, antiquarian and natural historian Johann Daniel Major (1634-1693). Major takes a central position in art history, where he is known as a scholar as well as practitioner of the early modern museum. Originally employed as professor of medicine at the newly founded University of Kiel, Major later established the Museum Cimbricum to display the early and natural history of his region. As collector as well as author, Major’s wide interests encompassed naturalia as well as antiquities, on which he published extensively in addition to his prolific writings on medical subjects. The study day intends to open up the vast horizon of Major as a central scholar of his time. In informal sessions, we explore the relationships he maintained with scholars, potentates and academies both at home and abroad (e.g. the Academia Naturae Curiosorum or the Accademia dei Lincei). We will also explore how Major practiced teaching, collecting and dedicating. The speakers at the study day will present on a variety of aspects connected to this fascinating figure in seventeenth-century museology and natural history. We warmly welcome participants interested in exploring these topics with us.

Vera Keller

Vera Keller, photo courtesy of Lisbet Tarp

9:20-9:40: Coffee

9:40-9:45: Markus Friedrich: Welcome and Introduction

9:45-10:45: Vera Keller, The Experimental Century: Curating the early German Enlightenment

10:45-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:00: Bernhard Schirg, The world was his oyster. Major’s studies of shells and the autumn of the emblematic age

12:00-2:00 Break for Lunch

2:00-3:00: Martin Mulsow, Johann Daniel Major and the Idea of a Global Numismatics

3:00-4:00: Mattias Ekman, To See the World in Classes: The Orders of Things in Johann Daniel Major’s Description of His Spatzier-Reise to the Nordic Countries

4:00-4:30: Concluding Discussion

Bernhard Schirg presenting, photo courtesy of Lisbet Tarp


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